Wednesday, January 2, 2013

this christmas

i'm doing this out of order--new year's report before christmas report. but better late than never, some people always say.

this christmas break has been...pretty great. basically, i've just been bumming around with the fam, occasionally leaving the house for a shopping or lunch trip.

we're a pretty good looking group, right?

on sunday night dad made us all go caroling to the neighborhood. i grumbled quite a bit, which i regret now. it was fun to visit with ward members and to squish in the car together, especially since i wasn't the one who had to lap-sit the whole time :)

on christmas eve we ate our delicious dinner of mock chicken legs and mashed potatoes and asparagus, then we opened our pajamas, then we gathered in the basement to watch white christmas. i've said it before, and i'll say it again: i love that movie. all us kids slept in the basement and then woke up at a leisurely hour for presents and breakfast, and the customary photo on the stairs and in front of the tree.

this year i finally--FINALLY--got catch phrase. i've only been wanting my very own game of catch phrase to offer the game night gods for years and years. now it's all mine! and, i got another jeopardy! desk calendar, which brought me almost unlimited joy in 2012 and promises to do the same in 2013.

and that was pretty much it. we received a surprise gift from mom and dad, we watched tv and napped together, we had a delicious dinner with friends, and we thought about the Savior. we listened to christmas music nonstop for three days, and i was still a little sad to see it go. it was a great christmas!

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